Databases Manager
The best solution to regulate your MySQL and PgSQL databases

We offer you a convenient to use Databases Manager, bundled up within our Web Site Control Panel, from where you could make brand–new MySQL and PgSQL databases instantly. Also, you are able to handle all of their configuration settings via the quick access given to the phpMyAdmin and phpPgAdmin software tools.
An Easy to use Interface
Maintain your databases with merely a click of the mouse
Administering your databases is easier than ever, as a result of Web Site Control Panel user interface for MySQL and PgSQL control! In case you do not have in depth expertise in making use of databases, it will be effortless to work with the Databases Manager.
You could make a new database simply by entering the username and password or make a database back–up with simply a click of the mouse. Moreover, with the Data Manager you have direct access to the administrative area for each individual database, so you’re able to quickly modify it.
Straightforward Database Backup
Protect your database information with only a click of the mouse
Assuming you have dealt with databases, you know creating a manual database backup just isn’t a simple task. So as to change this, we have created a simple and easy to use tool that will back up your entire database with only a single click of the mouse. The data backup file is going to be ready for you in less than a minute, based on the size of the chosen database.
There are no confines on exactly how many back–ups you can create for any selected database.
PgSQL Databases Support
By far the most risk–free open source databases
You can find PgSQL support in each of our Linux cloud web hosting offers. PgSQL databases may not be as sought after and commonly used as MySQL, but they deliver the highest level of security for your website content. Because of this, a number of well–known companies such as Skype and Yahoo take advantage of PgSQL databases. Managing PgSQL databases is as easy and simple as MySQL, thanks to the intuitive interface of the Databases Manager.
PgSQL databases are included automatically inside of the most sophisticated web hosting plans. For the regular packages, they are presented as upgrades.
InnoDB Databases
The fresh new face of MySQL
We’ve incorporated InnoDB – the new default MySQL database engine on each of our machines. InnoDB is designed for big database web sites that need high levels of effectiveness and scalability. Experiments have established that web sites utilizing InnoDB based tables attain a 3–fold operation boost for significant joins, in contrast to those applying MyISAM tables.
InnoDB uses row–level locking in an effort to remove the performance difficulties witnessed at the maximum consumption times of the earlier version of the database engine – MyISAM, which employs table–level locking.
Detailed Database Stats
Comprehensive statistics for your databases
From the all–inclusive database statistics tool built into the Web Site Control Panel, it’s possible to keep track of the load generated through your dynamic web sites around the clock. Any overload problem with your websites could slow the loading rates and have a bad influence over the overall impression of your site visitors. Which means that, by having info about the database work right away, you are able to solve overload difficulties as soon as possible.
The database statistics interface reveals info of the quantity of daily, hourly and monthly queries, which means you can assess just how the load is spread over several time periods.